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ShaylaPab | 10.02.2019
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Walterchoks | 29.01.2019
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LaurenRom | 23.01.2019
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Mir u vaš dom!
potapovyigorMn | 23.01.2019
Došlo je vrijeme i približilo se kraljevstvo Božje: pokajte se i vjerujte u evanđelje.
(Marko 1:15 Evanđelja)
Prišiel čas a priblížilo sa Božie kráľovstvo: obráťte sa a verte v evanjelium.
(Mark 1:15 v evanjeliu)
Prišel je čas in približalo se je Božje kraljestvo: pokesati in verjeti v evangelij.
(Marko 1,15 evangelija)
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
(Mark 1:15)
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lensaRob | 14.01.2019
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Спорт помогает идти навстречу своей мечте,
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и наслаждаться бесконечным движением.
Hey. I sent a screenshot. Did you get it?
JamieTix | 05.01.2019
Hey. I sent a screenshot. Did you get it?